Orders being shipped to mainland Spain and outside of the Canary Islands will be subjected to local customs charges


See our terms and conditions relating to offers and products here.

In accordance with article 10 of the Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society and e‑Commerce Services, we are providing you with the following information:
PERLA CANARIA SL is domiciled at Carretera General del Sur, 12 – Armeñime – Adeje, with Tax ID Code B38429015. Entered in the Trade Register of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in folio 129 of Volume 1,397 of the general section, sheet TE-13.772, first entry.
The web page www.tenerifeperla.com contains information on the company’s commercial and online sales activity.
Its main objective is to provide customers and the general public with information about the company, the products and services that it offers, as well as the online sales offered through the company.
The purpose of our privacy policy is to ensure full compliance with personal data protection legislation. You can view our policy in the dedicated section. 
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Personal Data Protection (LOPD (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos [Organic Law on Data Protection])), the user is informed that all data provided to us will be included in a file, created and maintained under the responsibility of PERLA CANARIA SL.
The confidentiality of your personal data will always be respected, and will only be used for the purpose of managing the services offered, dealing with the requests made to us, performing administrative tasks, and submitting technical, commercial or advertising information by ordinary or electronic means.
In order to exercise your rights of opposition, rectification or deletion, you must go to the head office of the company at Carretera General del Sur, 12 – Armeñime – Adeje, write to us at the following web@perlacanaria.com or call us on +34 922 741250.
The conditions of use and access of this website are governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, with the user undertaking to use the website appropriately.
Conduct that is in violation of the law, and the rights or interests of third parties, is not permitted.
Being a user of the website tenerifeperla.com means that you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions and how they are implemented through the applicable legal provisions in this field. If, for any reason, you do not agree with these conditions, do not continue to use this website.
Notifications and/or complaints shall only be valid if made in writing and/or by registered mail.
PERLA CANARIA SL shall not be liable for the information and content stored in forums, social networks or any other medium that enables third parties to independently publish content on the provider’s web page.
However, pursuant to articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE (Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico [Law on Information Society and e-Commerce Services]), PERLA CANARIA SL undertakes to remove or, if necessary, bock content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, third-party rights, or public order and moral.
Furthermore, the company shall not be liable for damages caused due to faults or poor configuration of the software installed on the internet user’s computer. All liability for a technical incident or fault arising when the user connects to the internet is excluded. Similarly, the lack of interruptions or errors when accessing the website cannot be guaranteed.
Furthermore, PERLA CANARIA SL reserves the right to update, amend or remove the information contained on its web page, as well as its layout or presentation, at any time, without incurring any liability in this regard.
We inform you that any price that you may see on our website is provided as a guideline only. If the user wishes to know the correct price or if the product currently has an offer from which they can benefit, s/he must go to one of PERLA CANARIA SL’s physical stores.
PERLA CANARIA SL is the owner of all rights to the digital publication software, as well as the industrial and intellectual property rights pertaining to the content included therein, with the exception of the rights to public products and services that are not the property of this company.
No materials published on this website can be reproduced, copied or published without the written consent of PERLA CANARIA SL.
All information received on the website, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, shall be considered as assigned to PERLA CANARIA SL free of charge. Information that CANNOT be processed in this manner must not be sent.
All of the products and services on these pages that are NOT the property of PERLA CANARIA SL are the registered trademarks of their respective owners and are recognised as such by our company. They are shown on the PERLA CANARIA SL website for the purposes of promotion and information gathering only. These owners may request the modification or removal of the information belonging to them.
These general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation. For any dispute that may arise in relation to the website or the activity carried out on it, the Courts of Arona shall be competent, with the user expressly waiving any other court to which they may have recourse.
General Conditions
By making an order, you are accepting these General Conditions, which are solely intended to provide an environment that is more favourable to e-commerce. The points brought together in these conditions are:
Product presentation
The TENERIFE PERLA items are presented in branded cases, designed to ensure the proper breathability and protection of the pearl. We reserve the right to send the presented items in TENERIFE PERLA cases or TENERIFE PERLA bags, according to the characteristics of the item provided.
Purchase securely through Payment Gateway
Payment Gateway (“Verified by VISA” secure payment system): payment is made through an independent WEBSITE that accepts a wide variety of credit and debit cards, including all 4B, VISA, MasterCard and American Express cards. When making a payment through the gateway, the user is directly connected to the bank’s website. Your card information transmitted over the internet is encrypted by SSL protocol and 128-bit keys. Encryption is the process by means of which the information exchanged between the Gateway and your computer is rendered unintelligible, preventing third parties from being able to see, capture or access the exchanged information.
Secure Payment Gateway: To use this gateway, the cards must be previously secured specifically to perform Secure Internet Commerce transactions. To secure your card, you only have to obtain a code from your bank. This code authenticates you as the legitimate holder of the card that you are using.
The prices shown on tenerifeperla.com are with IGIC (Value Added Tax applicable on Canary Islands) .
Tenerife Perla is a retailer.
Shipping costs are not included in the price, and are included in the final quotation depending on destinations and weights.
European Union residents
For purchases made within the territory of the Canary Islands, prices are final and no additional taxes or duties will be applied.
When importing into a territory other than the Canary Islands, the prices of the products will be increased by the application of local Value Added Tax (VAT) which will be applied during the import customs procedure, both the cost of the tax and the formalities will be borne by the buyer.
In those cases where the import is carried out outside the European Union, import taxes (customs duties) may be applied, which will be paid at destination by the receiver of the goods.
For this purchase/shipping system and due to its fiscal regime, the Canary Islands are considered Extra-Community territories for V.A.T. purposes but not for import taxes (tariffs).

Shipments are accompanied by an invoice, which is drawn up using the data provided by the customer when signing up to TENERIFE PERLA. (See point Confidentiality. Data protection law).
Certificate and Quality
TENERIFE PERLA uses only the highest quality materials for its designs, and each item is accompanied by a CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY that describes the characteristics of the jewel.
Because of their characteristics, pearls are a product whose properties and grades are difficult to convey in a photo; in addition, there are other factors that may affect the appreciation of the colour, such as the type of monitor. In light of this, the colours shown are only a guideline and may vary slightly.
Imperfections are one of the characteristics of cultured pearls and are completely natural.
You can view the applicable terms and conditions of guarantee in the didicated section.
Delivery times
Orders have a preparation time of up to 5 working days before being delivered to the transport agency.
Deliveries in Spain have a delivery time of 6 to 8 working days, depending on the location. The transport agency is Correos de España. Deliveries to the rest of Europe have a delivery time of between 10 and 15 working days, depending on country and location. The transport agency is Correos de España.
International deliveries, outside the European Union, have a delivery time between 15 and 20 working days.
These deliveries are made through Correos de España.
The delivery times indicated are approximate and not binding. The place of delivery is indicated in the Order Confirmation.
TENERIFE PERLA reserves the right to take back ownership of the product in the case of non- payment of the Price.
Force majeure
TENERIFE PERLA does not accept liability for delays caused by circumstances outside its reasonable control and is entitled to an extension of performance; as a non-limiting example of these circumstances, these include strikes, shipping, supply or production problems, exchange rate fluctuations, government action and natural disasters. If the cause remains for more than 2 months, this agreement can be terminated by either party without the right to compensation.
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